Does your house seem to be full of paper? Yes, it is recyclable, but most of it can also be eliminated clearing your space and less clearing of trees!
There are many simple ways you can reduce the amount of paper that enters your home each month.
Let’s get started.
- NO JUNK MAIL, PLEASE – By adding this message to your mailbox (and having a friendly word with your mail carrier), you can reduce the amount of mail you receive by up to 100 pounds each year!
- SWITCH TO ONLINE NEWSPAPERS – You can still get your daily news and save a pile money by switching to online access.
- BE A PICKY SUBSCRIBER – If you simply must receive your favourite magazine the old-fashioned way, try cutting down the number of paper subscriptions you receive.
- CHOOSE ELECTRONIC STATEMENTS – So many bills arriving each day in the mail? Contact these companies to see if they offer a electronic versions instead.
- IF YOU MUST PRINT, USE BOTH SIDES – If you have a home printer, make sure you print on both sides of page. Also, check settings to reduce the overall image size (shrink to fit) to avoid extra pages.
GOT OTHER IDEAS? Please share them by sending us an email to today!